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Zbrush and its adventures contd...

Writer's picture: Ankitha RaoAnkitha Rao

Updated: Dec 3, 2022


3D Creation Pipeline for Film & Games

Week 5:

Hello, I am back with a new entry this week. Now let's discuss the things we did this week in class and my independent study over the week. We started this week with continuation to last week's lesson I.e., shape language, basics of Zbrush and character blocking and curves, silhouette with ZRemeah and Dynamesh were the things which we covered this week.

  • What does Sharp vs Round Depict?

These are the shapes which help us predict if the character is going to be good or evil. In here the Sharp contradicts to an evil character or a villain and round contradicts to a good character or a hero. Shapes describe the character, the more ambiguous the shape the more mysterious the character is.

  • Sense of weight:

When working with a line of action we also need to focus on the weight of the character as if we don’t the character does not seem alive, or it seems like a still picture without life. So, a character needs to have some weight proportions.

  • What are straights and Curves?

Straights are used to define shapes while contours and curves define line of action, and the complex Contours convey information.

Below is an example of a simple stick figure Line of action, these are simple figures which depict the movement or the flow of the body.

In the above image at the bottom right corner are the examples of Mickey mouse and Donold ducks' line of action Figures shows how they follow the like of action and how they convey Body language with just the line of action. For example, the 1st image in the 2nd row shows that micky is avoiding a Queston or somewhat awkward.

  • What are character silhouette Design?

They help you get an idea of the sculpt design and improve it and it also emphasis on the shape language of the character.

Below are a few examples for character silhouette Design

Zbrush Utilities.

  • Poly groups: They are the set of polygons on the sculpted 3D model, they are separated by assigning them distinct colors.

  • Smart Resym: This will mirror and average out the 2 side of the selected sculpt. For example, if you have one side and nothing on it, will mirror the horn and average it out on both sides, so don’t worry if it’s a bit small.

  • Dyanmesh: It is a base mesh generation tool which is used for free form sculpting and removes the topological Constraint. This is used to fuse mesh and retain its details

  • Zremesher: It is used to under and calculate the polygons for retopology of the visible portions of the sub tool. If it is used correctly, it can be kept for Animation.

Challenge to Sculpt a pair of lips:

This week in class we were given a mini challenge to sculpt a pair of lips. For this I started with sphere with basic number of subdivisions, and then used the Damstandred brush to create an outline of the lips and used the clay buildup brush to create the primary details of the lips, then adding more subdivision's I had added the secondary details using mask tool and clay buildup and damstandred brushes to add the secondary details and finally used the alpha brush to add the tertiary details to the sculpt.

Independent Study:

I have been focusing on the external tutorials for this week's study as it’s easy to follow the flow and learn how to sculpt. I have also been focusing on collecting Finial references for the Hard surface model which I will be working on. I have finalized the design and I will start blocking out the model by next week.

Tried Making the Ogre model (Creepy character) [To be Updated]


  • I have most of the basics Covered now, it's time to experiment inside Zbrush and see where it leads me.

Thank you, I will be back in a few days!

Reference and Image source:

- Pinterest.



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